Florink Holland Ltd is specialising in the purchase of flowers and plants. We take care of the purchase directly from the flower auctions of Flora Holland. We will also take care of your purchase at the various nurserymen at home and abroad. We can also see to the packing and the transport of the various purchased items.
We also buy for companies that do have a broker license number but no purchasing agent. In doing so we can use both the customer's broker license number and our own broker license number. If we use our own number, we will see to it that the purchased goods are packed and that they arrive at their destination. The goods are (after mutual agreement with the buyer) bought on the buyer's card of the customer and will then automatically go to the site of the customer.
Goods ordered can be passed on by email, fax or telephone. If you have any questions about our activities, you can call us and we will be glad to answer your questions. Get in touch with us and you will be pleasantly surprised!!

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